Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bio-Label in Germany

Beginning with September 2001, the "Bio"-label was introduced in Germany. On the one hand, it stands for food which is produced in a more environmenal friendly way than traditional food (e.g., no synthetic fertilizers, animal welfare). And on the other hand, it has more strict regulations about the load of the food with harmful substances (e.g., pesticides).

Since 2001, a lot of things changed. Starting with a very small amount of customers that were shopping for "Bio"-products in special stores, the demand for them raised significantly and Bio-food currently holds a market share of 3,2%. To live on Bio-food does seem to have positive aspects on one's health - and on the environment. It also gives the consumer back some trust into the food, especially after the various scandals about spoilt meat, and the producers responsible handling of the environment.

A bit lenghty, but interesting is the text (in German!) of the WDR on Bio-food 'Biolebensmittel: Märkte, Preise, Gütesiegel', dating to the 16th of Oktober 2006. It gives some information about the situation in Germany and tries to give an explanation for the current trend to Bio-food. Enriches this with some information and shopping tips (did you know that the big discounters like Aldi, Lidl, Plus, etc. have Bio-food in their assortment, as well). And gives some tips, what to think about when thinking Bio-food. The text is a nice lecture for people that want to be persuaded to buy Bio-food.

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